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Results for "keyword: "prejudices""
Compassion is a response of the present Compassion is a response of the present
Bartender Prayer Bartender Prayer
Islam has negative images and stereotypes Islam has negative images and stereotypes
I was smuggling donkeys I was smuggling donkeys
Terrible darkness that causes general destruction Terrible darkness that causes general destruction
A Passion for the Possible William Sloane Coffin on practicing love to gain understanding, freedom, and compassion and to banish fear and prejudice.
The Good Life Peter J. Gomes on the justice modeled in To Kill a Mockingbird.
Joan Chittister in Wisdom Distilled from the Daily Hospitality means we take people
Amreeka The uplifting story of a resilient Palestinian mother and her son struggling to make a new life in America.
The Sins of Scripture John Shelby Spong on the shadow side of Christianity's understanding of women and homosexuality.